Friday, January 31, 2020

Sandy Raman, a stringer for the BBC, lives as a paying guest with the Sawant's, a regular, quiet, Indian family. Or so she thought. Until she woke up to a woman with a knife ... and a dark secret. It is only after she runs a sting operation on a home for the differently-abled that Sandy makes a connection between an institute acting as a front for something sinister and the strange family she lives with. Chasing the truth up a trail of brutal murders, Sandy must evade the grasping clutches of a thriving sex racket and expose the predators before her time runs out.

Every character in the house where she is residing as a paying guest is suspicious. I really doubted her love interest. Well to know if my doubt is valid or not, you need to read the book. 
The plot is gripping and narration is smooth. 
Vocabulary is rich and I took the help of the dictionary many times.
The title is intriguing and relatable to the plot.
The book has lots of suspense elements and the suspense is maintained till the very end. 
The heinous crime of sex racket is portrayed in an effective way. 
All the characters are well developed. Sandy is bold, brave and a strong girl.
People who love to read crime suspense thriller should definitely read this book.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Title: The Bestseller's wife: Short love story of a social media manager
Author: Nivedita medulla
Length :40 pages 

Qotd - Have you ever felt a soul connection with someone??

The Bestseller's wife is the love story of a social media manager who is appointed to makeover the image of an author who is rude, arrogant.

"Behind shiny smiles there is pain and behind closed doors there is the truth hiding away, afraid of being displayed. What if you don’t like it? What if you say it’s ugly?"

I would not go in more details as the book is only 40 pages but it is successful in conveying the lovely message that would be successful in conveying the message.

The plot is interesting. Narration is really good. The cover is pretty. So, if you are planning to read a novella, you will love this book. 

Title: That thing about you
Author: Abhaidev

"true love evokes extreme emotions and to feel is a privilege".
"What if Coincidence in our lives are nothing but a result of a dice thrown by some higher being? What if we all are mere pieces of pawns carefully played upon by a cosmic chess master"

'that thing about you' is the story of Subhodh, an IT employee who is considered immature by everyone but it did not matter to him until his love rejected him because of the same reason. 

After a visit to a theme-based village, he started listening to the voice of a mystery women and become more reclusive. He talks to her and she knows everything about him including his inner feelings that no one other than him knows about it. She plays the role of a friend, psychologist. 

Soon, he started doubting his sanity and consults a psychologist who tells him that he is hearing his inner voice .but then science can not explain everything. 

Read this know who is the voice?? is she spirit, an imaginary friend, or someone is playing with him? What happens between them.?? Does he find the lock to his key? 

Some dialogues that are exchanged between them are really good, would be helpful for you in many kinds of ways. A person needs to have convictions, pain is an integral part of life. It is important to shape a person 's personality. 

Language is smooth and narration is smooth. 
The plot is good and different. 
The title is interesting and the cover is good. 
I would definitely recommend this book. 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Title: Listen to your heartbeats.
Author: Sonika Shandilya

Sonam decides to take a solo - trip as she is bored of monotony. Her parents are on a spiritual trip and want her to join them. Even when she is home, her parents are busy in the kirtans. She always feels like she is trapped to live in monotony.

In the trip, she bumped into Rann Vijay who is extending his parents' diamond business in India. She was awestruck by his features and kept thinking about him till they meet again and luckily the same charm is cast upon Rann Vijay.

With a fascinating twist in the tale, Sonam finds herself on a musical caravan with RV, veer, Shiv and Aditi. Sonam and Aditi are in love with each other.
But do they confess their love to each other?
Does it stay only on the trip?
Will the gang of friends be able to find a road to their dreams.? 

This is a story of passionate dreams, unending friendship and love that knows no bound. Well, it is a fairytale kind of book which would compel you to chase the life of your dreams.

Listen to your heartbeats is the most suitable title for this book. The title itself is telling the entire story. Chasing the dreams, living the life you want to live, getting rid of monotony, love, undying friendship is the whole plot of the story. 
The cover is pretty. 

Language is clear and narration is smooth. 

If you are looking for reading a happy, romantic, fairy tale kind of story. This book is for you. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Title: dating Jia

Author : krupa Somani

Dating Jia is the story of Jia who is a fun-loving girl.
Her heart has been broken in the past and since that time she is single engrossing herself in the work, .she has a best friend Rehan, with whom she shares almost every detail of her life. She is heartbroken, so she never allows herself to get attached to any man. Losing a shoe worries her more than losing her men. She is a carefree, hurt, irresponsible, funloving, kind, understanding and none -judgemental kind of girl. 

One day she was hit by the car and there she meets Aryan. As Aryan was driving the car, she threatens him to take care of her as she doesn't want to make her worried. Aryan take good care of her.
To distract her mind from Aryan and out of boredom, she starts using the dating app. She goes for many disastrous dates. Many times she bumped into Aryan. They spent a good time with each other but both of them are unsure about their feelings. 

Title of the book is accurate. Throughout the book, Jia goes on many disastrous dates. 
I loved the character of Aryan. Jia is a lovely girl but she is too much carefree. Rehan plays an important role as her friend and listens to all the mess she goes through without any condition. The bond shared by them are lovely and everyone should have at least this kind of friend in their life. 

Language is easy and narration is smooth

The cover is pretty and interesting. 

If you are thinking of reading just for fun. You can try this book. 

Q1. There is so much variation in your professional life. An engineer, a journalist and now a writer. What do you enjoy the most?
Writing. I enjoy writing the most. It’s my passion. Engineering earns me my bread and butter. In our time, making a career out of writing was quite a risky option. Engineering was safe, so I chose that as my full-time occupation. Journalism was a kind of stepping stone to make a professional presence in the world of literature. It helped me to get to know some renowned people in the profession of literature. 

Q 2. What kind of book do you like to read? 
Anything which is gripping, which has thrill, action, romance or lovemaking. Books which invoke strong emotions. I don’t much like to read social messages in fictions. There’s a place for social messages in non-fiction. But fiction must be racy and juicy.   

Q3. Have you ever faced the writer's block situation? And how do you get over it?

Yes, I have. Every writer does. It’s inevitable for writers, but what I have realised over time is that writer’s block is nothing but fear. It’s fear of criticism, it’s fear of rejection, it’s fear of not meeting the readers and the critic’s expectations, so I get over it in the same way that I’d get over any other fear. Face it. For a while, I don’t think about how the readers would react to what I am writing. I don’t care much about the quality. I just write without being judgemental. There will always be time to come back and improve, but the block must be removed. 

Q 4. Apart from the writing, what else you love to do?
Cooking. I love cooking. I am not a professional cook, but I think I can boast about my cooking. 

Q5. Are you writing any new book?? And if yes, please share some details with us.
Currently, I am writing the second part of the ‘The Chronicles of Kosala’ trilogy. It’s the sequel of part one - ‘Revenge of the Chandalas.’ It has the same setting as part one. The plot will be similar, but there will be a new story, not just a continuation of the old story. There will be some new characters. Some old characters will retire. 

Q6. What is your favourite genre??

I like thrillers. Fantasy is another genre that I enjoy reading. I also like reading erotica. Not the fifty shades kinds. It’s a difficult genre. Not many authors can do full justice to this genre. I loved Shirley Conran’s Lace. I also like Sylvia Day.

Q7.Who is your favourite author??
I read a variety of literature. I like J.K. Rowling and Stephen King as much as I like V.S. Naipaul and Amitav Ghosh or Khushwant Singh and R.K. Narayan. 

Q 8. Any suggestions for the budding author?
Be professional. If you want to make a living out of writing, then be very professional. Build your author brand. Remember, books don’t sell, they are sold. Nowadays brands sell, so it’s very important to build your author brand. Build it with intent and purpose. Take the help of the professionals if you can afford. 

Q9. Any favourite character that you have written so far.?
Shatavari's character in ‘Revenge of the Chandalas’ is my favourite. She is a bold girl, progressive and open-minded. She challenges the conventions and norms of her time. She is betrayed and exploited, yet she has the magnanimity to forgive her enemies. 

Q 10. Which is your 's favourite place for writing??  
The kitchen. Ha, ha…it may sound funny, but I like to write in the kitchen so that I don’t have to go far to make myself tea and coffee. A lot of the time, I do cooking and writing at the same time. The smell of food stimulates me. It helps creative juices in my head to flow.  

Title: behind the light.
Poet : Aahana mulla

"It is strange how relations change over time, The least expected rise and the closest sometimes decline. Time heals all both good and bad, That moment will come when you are no sadder."

Behind the light is the collection of 80 poems.
Every poem is dealing with different emotions. I loved each and every poem. But I really loved heartbreak, reflective, disturbed, Moral unapologetic, hollow, resolute and regret.

Poems are beautifully describing the various phases of life. Love, loss, concern for the planet, longingness, jealously for a past lover, pragmatism, grief, detachment, attachment, void all are described in the poems.

There is an illustration before every poem and they all are very pretty. Well, i don't have any artistic sight but i am sure they carry a hidden meaning. For me, they are pretty and beautiful. The illustration is done by Fika Design & Digital.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Why do you try to paint Me in water when I belong to sky.

And you can
never catch her.
She is always 
on a journey
To somewhere
and you can
Never find her
She always
Ends up nowhere.

Title: a rational boy in love
Poet: himanshu goel

This book consists of small poems. And all the poems are really lovely.

On  every page there is a poem with a beautiful doodle related to the poems

The book is divided into three parts
1. A rational boy in love
2.looking through telescope
3.daughter of the moon
And these parts are sub dividing.

I can't put the feelings in words when I am reading. They are just so soothing and bring a smile on my face.

The book can be finished in an hour but you can read it again and again.

Cover is attractive. 

Language is clear and easy. 

Title is intriguing and intersting. Well, a rational girl in love will also be suitable for this book. 

Highly recommended!! 

Title: Till we meet again
Author: Shibaji Bose
Publisher: Srishti Publishers & Distributors

Qotd - What do you want from your life? 

'Till we meet again' is the story of Aryan who grows from an irresponsible man to the man of the home.

He used to be afraid of his father but after his death, he realised how much his father loved him. It was a letter that changes his perspective on his father.

He lost his house to a cheat. his brother who is successful in the career but an irresponsible towards his life and family.

Along with the years, he becomes a man of the house and his sister is a journalist who is solving a high profile.

From the hermit, he becomes a confident man.

Well, read the story of Aryan 's life, his struggle and all the things he went through his life.

There are so many characters in this book. Women' s character plays an important role in this book and all the characters are well developed. 

The story takes so many turns and all the turns are showing the life of an ordinary man. 

This is the story of love, resilience, betrayal, vengeance. So many emotions are portrayed clearly. 

Language is easy and narration is smooth. 

The cover is good. Well, I could not relate the title to the plot of the book. 


Title : Freedom: Human Trafficking and Encounter with Soul
Author: Jnk
Publisher: Notion press

Freedom consists of two stories. Both are completely different from each other.

The first story is dealing with the heinous act of human Trafficking.

Honey, is a brilliant girl who wants to earn name and fame as a detective. She is working with a famous detective and encounters with the case of human Trafficking. She is bold and takes a stand against evil. Will she be able to get justice??

The second story is about encountering with the soul.

Has been being an intelligent girl who is frustrated with her father. He carries a negative attitude and has something else in his mind for her. She encounters with her soul. What does her father want? What happens when she encounters with her soul.

The plot of the book is interesting.

Characters are well developed.

Language is clear.

The cover is the most interesting thing. The cover is reflecting the plot of the book.

I would recommend this book.

Title: The Apple: History's greatest mystery. Mankind's greatest theft.

Author: Devashish Sardana

Format: Kindle

Length: 262 pages

Qotd: Do you know the complete story of Adam and Eva?

Queen Azura would sacrifice her life to fulfil her ancestors’ sacred mission. For thousands of years, the Sentinels have safeguarded Eden and the Tree of Immortality. But one fateful night she awakens to find a man with a bullet wound in his head and an empty branch where the apple once hung.

He has no memories, not even his name. Nursed back to health by stern islanders who demand answers, he worries his nightmares of secret gates and a monstrous seven-headed serpent may be real. And if he doesn’t piece together the visions soon, his caretakers could become his executioners.

As the strange man struggles to recall how he came to the island, Azura fears someone has the means to defeat all their safeguards. And with the temptation of life everlasting, it’s only a matter of time before the would-be-killer strikes again.

Can Azura and the outsider solve the riddle before Eden’s final secret is exploited for evil?

The story blends of mystery and thrill. It is a fast-paced story with an interesting and intriguing plot.

All the characters are well developed

Language is clear and narration is smooth.

Cover and title relate well to the story.

If you love reading mystery and thriller, you should read this book.

Vrinda, like her name, is pure by heart and intentions. From the doors of the lower-middle strata, Vrinda stands tall today with her debut novel, “Murky Girl” and second novel which is recently released, "5 Minutes". A technocrat at a reputed MNC, a speaker, a writer and an ardent reader, Vrinda believes in exploring a bit of her every day. Hello ma'am. 

Q. Which is your favourite genre?

My favourite genre is thriller and suspense. 

Q. What inspired you to become a writer?

The urge to combat the surge of crimes against women, makes me passionate about writing. I am a writer by blood and believe in curbing injustice by non- violent methods, one of which is writing. 

Q. That's true, who is your favourite character in your book, "5 Minutes"?

My favourite character in the novel is Shahid, who is neither a charming prince nor a chocolate boy, yet holds the power to captivate you by his selfless attitude. Owing to his nature, he gives a new hope to the entire anecdote. 

Q. I do agree with this. What is your take on feminity?

In my understanding there is a tremendous dissent and vehement disagreement today among people around the world about the status and importance of gender equality which needs to be addressed in most creative ways. One of them is writing. With the descend of no of readers due to visual enhancements, there is a stringent need to be more creative to make book lovers proud of their choices, bestowing them a chance to give wings to their visualisations. Personal opinions matters a lot and need to be strengthen by encouraging reading and innovations. 

Q.Your both books are women centric. What is the core intention? 

Since childhood, I have witnessed women sufferings in different forms. Addressing and laying stress on women, I don’t mean to offend men or generalise that only woman are tormented. But India, being a patriarchal country, gives us the benefit of doubt that mostly women suffer. "5 minutes" and "Murky Girl" are not woman centric novels but a mirror of the stance of woman in the society. 

Q. What is love according to you?

Love, according to me is sacrifice. There is a thin line between love and lust, which we often tend to mix. We generally evolve in love and dissolve in lust. Obsession and Possessions are beyond the periphery of love, which we often forget to contemplate .

Q. Beautiful, you are an entrepreneur, writer and a technocrat. How do you manage all the roles?

It is indeed a very challenging and mind boggling task. However, the support of a strong mother, often comes to my rescue. I have been putting myself in such challenging roles to bring the best out of me. The current slowing down economy of the country, compels me to walk out of my comfort shell and create opportunities for my fellow countrymen and women. This inspires me to work relentlessly in an entrepreneurial environment. Technology, if used in the right way, has the power to discover life. The ignition to make the best use of it, keeps me on my toes and makes me a technocrat. As far as writing is concerned, this is my passion and something I can’t keep away with, be it any reason. 

Q. You are really inspiring. Who/what is your strength?

My strength is my family and most importantly, my mother. She is an ocean of inspiration and goddess in disguise. I feel empowered when I am surrounded by strong and bold women, who show courage upfront and are ready to fight any predicament. 

Q. Are you currently working on any other book? 

Yes currently I am writing about that vulnerable section of the society, which needs immediate attention. It again exposes the ugly truth of the society in the most pragmatic and innovative way. A more info on it would be a spoiler. 

Q. What keeps you motivated in the moment of distress?

I am often, vexed by the way woman and man are treated at times. It makes me wonder, Are we the most intellectual creation of God? I usually maintain my calm by practising yoga and spending quality time with my loved ones. Being into so many roles at the same time, robs me of my time, still I ensure to keep my loved ones around who are kind enough to bear up with my hectic work schedule.
Am so glad to have this amazing conversation with you. Thanks, for sharing your story.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Title: Captain Khadoos
Author: Arjun Hemmady

Captain Khadoos deals with the mental health issue and includes the most loved sports of our country i.e Cricket.

This is the story of Suraj who is known as Captain Khadoos by the people because of his arrogant behaviour.

The story starts with the Suraj talking about his state of depression to his physiatrist Aditi who is another important character in the story.
The story goes in flashback describing the initial journey of him to become a captain and the problem of depression he faces in his life. The way he answers the question related to the depression is brilliant.

Depression is the problem that many of the people are facing today but talking about the issue seems still the problem in our society so the author makes a good effort to narrate the depression from the point of Indian celebrity.

Read the book to know about the story of Suraj, his journey, his dealing with the problem and then his comeback.

Language is easy and narration is smooth.
The idea is interesting, will not bore you for a minute.title is suitable for the plot. 

if you are a cricket lover, you should definitely read this book. 

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Title: love letter with a spelling mistake
Author: Vaijayanthi Subramanian

Short stories are always good to read. 
Love letters with spelling mistakes consist of eight stories. These eight stories are about empowering Indian women and all the challenges they still face in the Indian society 

All the questions concerning women are raised in these chapters carefully. 

Is female foeticide still prevalent in our country? 
A girl faces a boyfriend, jealous of her past a sense of belonging bestows freedom or territorial is.? 

What happens when a father 's attractive woman admirer enters a middle - class household.? 

These stories are written in a beautiful manner. The writing style of the author is really nice. Language is clear and narration is smooth. All the issues are clearly pointed out. 

So, if you are looking for the collection of short stories then you should certainly go for this book. 

Title: Endurer a Rape story
Author: Kapil Raj

"Some decisions change your life, but a few of them shape it. The irony is that most of the time we can hardly make the difference."

Endurer A Rape story is the story of a girl who lives a very high profile is a fun fed roller coaster for her, drugs, night hangouts and unplanned trips all are the part of her life but after attending a Rave party, she wakes up to the horror of finding herself raped.

She is getting hallucinations and her soul is crushed. Her subconscious mind is not letting things go. Her MMS are viral and the convict is her friend and both have no memories of that unfortunate night.

Read the story to know about the realities of her survival and what actually happened. The story is portraying the heart-wrenching survival of the girl. She stood well for herself. It is just not the story of her life. It is the story of every girl who is been wronged in her life.

Along with the story of her life, It portrays the layer of emotions that human beings depicts the story of a girl who stood by her husband hoping that he would change but she died. It depicts the story of the girl who killed her
husband who used to rape her every night and her sister died because of him. It shows the story of a girl who was raped by her own blood just because she wanted to study.

But along with the miseries, it shows the strength of women.
"If your life does not mean anything to you, give it to the ones who need it. You can always help, show kindness and spread a smile. There is nothing in the world which can stop you from doing it."

The girl chose to face her life instead of running from it. She fought all the taboos society imposed on girls.

The idea of the book is really great. Narration is smooth. It takes a little while to get absorbed in the book but then it is smooth. Language is clear and narration is smooth. Cover page and title both are attractive. 

. 🍂QOTD - Do you think that pseudo feminism is overshadowing the real causes that urgently needs to address?
🖤"True she loved her mom.
But no, she did not want to live her mom’s life…"🖤
🧡The book consists of around 150 quotes related to the feminity, the strength of the woman, taboos faced by the women and all the social stigma women faces in her life and how they should face the world with all strength and dignity.
. 🧡These quotes of a few words are really very powerful. The book is really cute with white and pink pages. The title is strong and the cover is pretty.
. ❣️I think every men and woman should read this book.

Title: The Lady In The Mirror
Author: Charu Vashishta

Qotd: what makes you jealous?

"jealousy is the most destructive emotion. No benefit ever comes out of it."

The lady in the mirror consists of eight stories and many emotions.
The women who are an  IAS gets lost in her past when she wanted to help people and Believed that everyone has good things but gets trap in the worldly things.
When I read 'the last confession', I realised how much it is important to communicate your love to the people you really love.
"so, did you tell your bride that you love her??" this story is heart touching and heart-wrenching.
How do the women who always remains happy started getting worried?        In the 'Manifestation of God', the author beautifully depicts what happens when we trap in the worldly desire.
I personally love 'the Mysterious Playwright'. The questions raised by Ila are so ahead of her time and she describes the meaning of feminity in the most correct manner.
If something or someone is meant for you, they will come to you even hidden beneath the two mountains. Madhav and Meera is the perfect example of this.

So, all the short stories are lovely and are beautifully portrayed. Language is clear and narration is quite smooth. The book is totally recommended from my side. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Title: the day after my funeral
Author: Nikhil Kushwaha

Qotd - do you believe in life after death?

This is the story of the man who has a wife and children but he devotes his life completely for the professional life ignoring his responsibilities towards his family.

When the day of judgment comes, he realised how much he has lost in his life because of his engagement in the rat race of the worldly affairs and could not enjoy the real way of life.

So the book is depicting life after death. The way human beings are forced to live their life and trap in the world like a rat trap and live their life just to fulfil their responsibilities. Books talks about the philosophies of life

This book is really good with lots of wisdom. Language is clear and easy to understand. The cover page is interesting and no other title can be suitable for this book.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Title: Happiness is all we want
Author: Ashutosh Mishra

"If you can live in the moment and utilise such opportunities for being happy, you are on the right track."

Happiness is all we want is a self-help book to implement the methods to sustain the happiness in our life

The book is divided into three parts
1. Mental well being
2. Physical well being
3. Spiritual well being.

All three aspects are essential for happiness in our life. The author has described the various methods for improving the well being of a person 's life. The author has included various example to represent his point of view more clearly.

Language is clear and it is definitely gonna help you. All you need to do is to implement the methods in your life.title and the cover page both are relatable to the content.


Sunday, January 12, 2020

⚖️"Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.” ― Denis Waitley


Qotd - Do you have a habit of procrastination?? 
📄"The busyness age" is a self-help book to improve productivity. Productivity is doing what you want to do with the maximum concentration. It is not about the numbers of hours you spent in doing the work but it is the outcome of work. So, the author has focused on that part to improve productivity with lots of examples. 📄
📓It consists of beautiful quotes to motivate people📓

💮Language of the book is quite easy.

🌸The book cover is really interesting.

💮The title of the book is intriguing.

🌸Well, productivity plays a key role in one 's success. If you are feeling that your productivity is decreasing, you should definitely read this book. It would help a lot. 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Title: Dear people, with love and care, your doctors
Author: Debraj Shome and Aparna Govil Bhasker

'As doctors, we mat revel in accolades and awards, but it is smiles like these that make our professional lives worthwhile.'

The book consists of 34 chapters each starting with a beautiful quote and a box of Did you know
In the end.

Doctors save people' s life and are called semi-god but while doctors do their best to save lives, it is important to accept that a successful outcome is sometimes beyond their control '.As these people spend their most of the live surrounding by patients, grief. These people also need care. Well, everyone does need.

They have a duty to their profession and they get happiness from saving a person' s life but what happens when they struggle between duty to their home and duty to their profession??

How hard is the situation when a person needs to convey the death to the grieving relatives and not let it go to their head? When they need to address the people with fairness obsession.

These doctors do all to save people 's life but due to a rare breed of greedy doctors, every doctor is the target of suspicion. So, unfortunately, there is rising tensions and an erosion of trust between doctors and patients. However, for every failing, guilty doctor, there are thousands who are honest and tirelessly treat countless patients and make their lives better.

This book is written in an easy language, describing the life of doctors. So, everyone should read this book to closely know their life, struggle, and their ability to sacrifice their life for saving the lives of hundreds of others. The best thing is that everyone can understand the book whether you have a medical background or not.
The cover and the title is relatable to the content of the book. Totally recommended!! 

Friday, January 10, 2020

Author: Manoj Kumar Sharma
Book Length: 372 pages 
Format: Kindle 

India is on the brink of becoming a superpower but along with the rise in power, there is also a rise in the social problems like rape, tobacco industries.
The story is set in the year 2030 and is dealing with social problems. The book begins with the new year in future in India witnessing serial fire outbreak in tech advanced factories of wine tobacco in complete diff places. The book is divided into four sections. 
There is a mysterious man in the book who can talk to the paranormal entity named MIЯЯЯO. The paranormal entity grant upon his but without any emotional judgement. The mystery man makes a wish for the eliminating of social evils like rape from society. As the entity does not have any emotional judgement, read the book to know what are the consequences. 

The title of the book is catchy and the book is dealing with the social evils that really need to address upon immediately. Recommended!! 

"Never hold anything within you, during the initial phase of your career, because a seed rotting from within can never grow up in a strong tree."
Qotd - What is your profession?

Title: the on side of the office
Author: Himanshu Saxena

"The book starts with the author getting his first job. He explained the reaction of his family, his friends who are doing jobs and the one who will get a lecture at home, the peeking neighbour aunties, chaiwala, colleagues.

He has narrated the office experience in a very funny language, the joy of getting the first appraisal and the struggle of the professional life.
There is a "food for thought" column in every chapter that is funny and enlightening on some facts of the working life.

There are some lessons for improving the relationship with Co-workers and how to work as a team. This book is based on an ordinary person 's official life and the experiences he had over the years of role and job changes, and how he can see the lighter, the fun side of it now, expressed in the simplest of words.

If you are working or non-working, it would give you the Insight of the working life and as it is written in a funny language so it is not at all boring. It will keep you entertained until the end.

The cover and the title both are catchy!


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Title : Shadow of the past. 
Author : Mayank Manohar 

Life throws up tough choices that often control your life, forcing you to carry the baggage of your past. In the process, you have no option but to fall in love with your own shadow. Your pain and loneliness are your best friends. But there comes a breaking point and when you reach it, there is a good chance it can destroy you completely. Shadow of the past is a story about three young people crippled by their own past and insecurities and how their life changes when they stop running away and start embracing it. But the question always remains: to what extent can anyone go to get rid of their past? Meet Lavanya, deprived of the love that she deserved and fighting a seven-year-long battle for Rehan, who is crippled by the complexity of his own mind, then takes a major u-turn. Arpita, who yearns for Rehan's love, suddenly finds herself trapped between the incomplete love saga of rehab and Lavanya. Rehan comes out of the void he is in, only to Tumble into another. Will the shadow of their past destroy their lives completely or will life give them another chance to redeem what is lost?.

The story shows the vulnerabilities of relationship and how easily we miss them. It is not easy to run from our past. The shadow of our past never leaves us, it affects our decisions.
The story goes back and forth and with the inclusion of letters. The conversation is really engaging and beautiful. The narration of the book is lucid and is written in a very easy language. The title is intriguing and the cover page goes well and with the story.

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