Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Q1. There is so much variation in your professional life. An engineer, a journalist and now a writer. What do you enjoy the most?
Writing. I enjoy writing the most. It’s my passion. Engineering earns me my bread and butter. In our time, making a career out of writing was quite a risky option. Engineering was safe, so I chose that as my full-time occupation. Journalism was a kind of stepping stone to make a professional presence in the world of literature. It helped me to get to know some renowned people in the profession of literature. 

Q 2. What kind of book do you like to read? 
Anything which is gripping, which has thrill, action, romance or lovemaking. Books which invoke strong emotions. I don’t much like to read social messages in fictions. There’s a place for social messages in non-fiction. But fiction must be racy and juicy.   

Q3. Have you ever faced the writer's block situation? And how do you get over it?

Yes, I have. Every writer does. It’s inevitable for writers, but what I have realised over time is that writer’s block is nothing but fear. It’s fear of criticism, it’s fear of rejection, it’s fear of not meeting the readers and the critic’s expectations, so I get over it in the same way that I’d get over any other fear. Face it. For a while, I don’t think about how the readers would react to what I am writing. I don’t care much about the quality. I just write without being judgemental. There will always be time to come back and improve, but the block must be removed. 

Q 4. Apart from the writing, what else you love to do?
Cooking. I love cooking. I am not a professional cook, but I think I can boast about my cooking. 

Q5. Are you writing any new book?? And if yes, please share some details with us.
Currently, I am writing the second part of the ‘The Chronicles of Kosala’ trilogy. It’s the sequel of part one - ‘Revenge of the Chandalas.’ It has the same setting as part one. The plot will be similar, but there will be a new story, not just a continuation of the old story. There will be some new characters. Some old characters will retire. 

Q6. What is your favourite genre??

I like thrillers. Fantasy is another genre that I enjoy reading. I also like reading erotica. Not the fifty shades kinds. It’s a difficult genre. Not many authors can do full justice to this genre. I loved Shirley Conran’s Lace. I also like Sylvia Day.

Q7.Who is your favourite author??
I read a variety of literature. I like J.K. Rowling and Stephen King as much as I like V.S. Naipaul and Amitav Ghosh or Khushwant Singh and R.K. Narayan. 

Q 8. Any suggestions for the budding author?
Be professional. If you want to make a living out of writing, then be very professional. Build your author brand. Remember, books don’t sell, they are sold. Nowadays brands sell, so it’s very important to build your author brand. Build it with intent and purpose. Take the help of the professionals if you can afford. 

Q9. Any favourite character that you have written so far.?
Shatavari's character in ‘Revenge of the Chandalas’ is my favourite. She is a bold girl, progressive and open-minded. She challenges the conventions and norms of her time. She is betrayed and exploited, yet she has the magnanimity to forgive her enemies. 

Q 10. Which is your 's favourite place for writing??  
The kitchen. Ha, ha…it may sound funny, but I like to write in the kitchen so that I don’t have to go far to make myself tea and coffee. A lot of the time, I do cooking and writing at the same time. The smell of food stimulates me. It helps creative juices in my head to flow.  

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