Sunday, August 23, 2020

author 's interview

Q1.Please introduce yourself to us. 
My name is Ravi Valluri. I belong to the Indian Railway Traffic Service and am currently posted as the Principal Chief Operations Manager ,, North Central Railway Prayagraj. I am faculty of Art of Living and conduct the Happiness Programme of the foundation. . I also conduct yoga , meditation and motivational talks. Besides I counsel addicts- alcoholics and drug addicts.
I have written 6 books - The books I have written are The Matter of the Mind also translated as Manomoolamidam , Make the Mind Mount Kailasa, The Infinite Mind ( coauthored with Ankush Garg ) , Namo303Words to Victory, Indian Stories : Images and Thoughts and now HeartBreak at Coffee Shop An Array of Tales. I also write a column on Mind Matters in the Free Press Journal, Mumbai and blog at WordPress and the Speaking Tree.

Q2.Your contribution to Indian literature is great. What should we do to engage the younger generation in literature ?

  Many thanks for the compliment. The exposure of youngsters to literature has to be a balanced one .Leveraging technology in form of E-books , Podcasts and very good literature . Autobiographies , Biographies, history, politics, science fiction, the amazing universe, architecture, music , theater are some areas where youngsters would be interested. For instance books on Elon Musk , Steve Jobs , Stephen Hawking , H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar , Carl Sagan , Jim Holt, Mythological stories , Ramayana, Mahabharata by C RajaGopal Chari, Subash Chandra Bose, Walter Issacson , Freedom struggles of various nations , Articles on science fiction and outer space will attract youth.
Limit time on Social media to just 30 min. These instruments cause mental and physical issues like addiction to pornography , lack of excercise and resulting in heath prblems. Also read Stephen King's book on writing . Next read and write everyday without fail. This is a Sadhana . Devote 2 hours to your passion without fail. Make notes and understand human psychology.

Q3.What according to you is the most important thing in our life.?
  My recovery from alcoholism by the grace of H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and becoming a faculty of Art of Living was the tipping point . My interaction with Gurudev has been the most fulfilling experience which metamorphosed my life.
Also I am deeply indebted to my parents , wife , children and my friends and seniors who tolerated me despite my alcoholism.
Q4.Who is your favourite author?
 I like reading biographies, autobiographical accounts, mythological stories, political and historical events. No particular one favourite - but would say the simplicity of Gandhiji , JL Nehru , Irving Stone , Walter Issacson , books on our Prime Minister, Knowledge Sheets of H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Jiddu Krishnamurty, Osho, C Raja Gopal Chari, AL Grisham , Fredryk Forsyth, RK Narayan . Earlier reading The Statesman , The Telegraph , The Hindu all helped in my thought process.
 Oh yes I forgot to mention The Economist , Newsweek and Time Magazine to get the World view.

Q5.What will be your advice for the aspiring writers? 
 Try to learn languages like Shri PV Narasimha Rao . It adds to your personality.
 Do begin with blogging on various platforms and participate in competitions. Do not be disheartened if you do not win a prize.
 Maintain a diary where you maintain 20 new words and 20 new quotes everyday. Definitely read StephenKing's noted author's book On Writing - A memoir of the Craft.

Q6.When did you decide that you want to become an author?

  I was educated at St Xavier's Scool Delhi and we were exposed to music , theater, debating and writing .I grew up acting in plays with several stalwarts today and watching atleast two plays of National School of Drama.My friends used to watch Amitabh Bachchan movies ,( he is polished , blessed witha baritone voice and talented ) but I preffered watching theater, Spic Macay and offbeat cinema. I can zero on Naseeruddin Shah and Kamalahasan to be my favorites.  
But the tipping point was when I gave up alcoholism through Art of Living Programmes and Grace of the Guru that began penning my experiences and soon the Free Press Journal contacted me to write for them. Sometime in December 2013 , Guruji directed me to continue writing and remarked that my works would be published . And his prophecy has come true.

Q7.In this era of technology., how can we inculcate reading habits in children? 

This is a repeat of an earlier question. But I would suggest youngsters should fuel a passion , be it anything wiring , playing , learning music among others. Listen to podcasts , read inspirational literature , biographies , Harry Porter , science fiction and keep writing and participate in competitions whether you win or not. Learn 20 new words and 20 new quotes everyday and blog everyday. and how was the day. Any topical issue- Lockdown , Covid -19 etc.

Q8.What is your favourite genre? 

  Non fiction - Human mind , yoga , spirituality, meditation, pranayama , breathing technique of Sudarshan Kriya . But now I am exploring travelogues and fiction .  

Q9.How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?
Around 4 to 5 manuscripts. One book is being translated in Kannada and another one is ready for pagination.

Q10.What is your strategy to overcome writer 's block situation? 
Just keep writing and reading . It may not be the best , but can be edited. Or participate in competitions . 
 Also the only way to overcome this situation is to read and enter some competition . Attempt some course which may give you fresh ideas. Or even chill for a short while, but quickly get back to writing. The best thing about mobile is , one can jot down notes for a future work. But do not lose the habit of writing 700 words a day. This is s Tapasya . Another way is to try out a different genre  

Q11.What are you writing these days?
I am writing fiction , participating in competitions and writing on Mind Matters for Free Press Journal , WordPress and the Speaking Tree.
Q12.Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

 Good question . I am working on two strands of thoughts - a body work of nonfiction which I mentioned. And for some time I would like to write fiction. This gives a different perspective and a high. Writing short stories , drabbles and fiction is a tough job.

Q13.Do you have any favourite corner in your house to write?

In the office when I am free I jot down points. I don't really like to gossip as it drains your energy and Prana levels and a waste of time. The same at home. This gives us energy . As far as writing is concerned, I write after exercises, meditation and dinner normally in my bedroom or in the dining hall.

Regards Ravi Valluri

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