Wednesday, July 29, 2020


The book revolves around the journey of Prince defeat in Mahabharat times and the journey of a powerful woman name Badra in pre and post-independence period.

Prince defeat who later was known as the Bhisma was venged by the woman. His vow to protect his kingdom was in vain when his clan became the enemy of one another and the reason of his end was the woman who put her everyone to take revenge from him.

In contrast, badra is planning to decimate the seventy-year-old political parties who are harming the nation according to her. It is her story of taking revenge.

The author has done justice to the stories of different eras.

Language is easy and narration is smooth.
The cover is attractive.
The title is apt.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

live, loss, laugh and laughter

This book consists of 10 short stories which revolve around love, divorce, laugh, broken heart. It is good to live alone with dignity than pretending to be happy with a man who is sadistic, cheat and abusive. In some women came to realise their shattered dignity within their marriage and made a strong decision to leave their husbands.

Some stories revolve around the forbidden fruit kind of love, you know what it is but what i liked about them is they were able to change their directions without creating much chaos in their personal life.they took the steps which needed to be taken.

Some stories revolve around finding love after a despairing past in love. you know that they are your soulmate the moment your see  them, happy kind of love.

So, basically, this book consists of stories of love relationships and the emotions one can feel.

Language is very easy and narration but in 1 story I got confused who is now speaking otherwise I liked the book.

The cover is simple yet attractive.


Sunday, July 26, 2020


Asherah is a princess who is born to kill Sandor. In her childhood, she used to have a dream due to which she could not sleep and her health started deteriorating due to lack of sleep. Seeing her condition, her parents were worried and did not know how to help her . every effort of doctors was futile. one day God visits them and help on one condition which is related to her destiny. once Sandor sends a message to send him Asherah. she started killing his people and as she is near to meet Sandor, her parents summoned her to come back home. 
There is another character Harnish who is a stable boy and princess starts falling in love with him. but Harnish is more restrained knowing his duty and is bound to princess ‘ vow. 
This book goes back and forth in their past life and presents one. 
Read this book to know what is the destiny of princess.???
Will she be able to fulfil her destiny ?? 
This is a fantasy, sensual kind of genre .so if you like to read this genre this book is perfect for you. 
Language is easy and narration is smooth. 
The title is apt as the whole story revolves around aserah.

Asherah is a princess who is born to kill Sandor. In her childhood, she used to have a dream due to which she could not sleep and her health started deteriorating due to lack of sleep. Seeing her condition, her parents were worried and did not know how to help her . every effort of doctors was futile. one day God visits them and help on one condition which is related to her destiny. once Sandor sends a message to send him Asherah. she started killing his people and as she is near to meet Sandor, her parents summoned her to come back home. 
There is another character Harnish who is a stable boy and princess starts falling in love with him. but Harnish is more restrained knowing his duty and is bound to princess ‘ vow. 
This book goes back and forth in their past life and presents one. 
Read this book to know what is the destiny of princess.???
Will she be able to fulfil her destiny ?? 
This is a fantasy, sensual kind of genre .so if you like to read this genre this book is perfect for you. 
Language is easy and narration is smooth. 
The title is apt as the whole story revolves around aserah.

Friday, July 24, 2020


A balanced amount of lemon and water makes good lemonade, and a balanced amount of feelings and laughter make a beautiful life." 

We all face humiliation at some points of life and everyone should know how to deal with this and not to hide out in the dark. Everyone has their own way to deal with this kind of situation. Some laugh at them and some bottled up their feelings and carry them with their life. Well, this book is simply showing the way to deal with the emotions that often human being faces in their life. The author has explained some of the experience s of her life. At the end of each chapter, there are tips to ponder which are quite helpful. She is only 10 years old and I can say has experience and intelligence of 20 years young. And if you are thinking that what would this little girl then you are wrong. Her understanding of emotions will leave you surprised. The book will be quite helpful.
Language is easy and narration is smooth.
The title is apt and the cover is attractive and cute.
Recommended from my side. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

त्रिशूल killer

Four serial killings have happened in the city of Delhi and all rapists and sexual predators are murdered. The Trishul mark is left on the body every time so the murderer is named as Trishul killer.
Sonia Rana is investigating the case and she needs to reach the criminal before he can find his another target.

Read this book to know who is the killer.? What is his motive?

This is a flash read that can be finished in 15 minutes and the author is able to highlight the issues related to women. Language is simple and narration is smooth. Everyone should read this book. And I am sure this book will be worth your time. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

the story begin at the end

This is a beautiful collection of around 16 short stories and I must say all are lovely little heart touching. They are woven around the most beautiful emotion one experience in his life that is love. 

I like reading each story, and it would be quite difficult to pick a story which I loved the most but True love: stranger than fiction left me with goosebumps and tickled my soul.
You do not know when and where you are going to meet that special person who will become the reason for taking a particular bus. Without even talking to that person, they become the reason for your happiness. Despite failing attempts of talking, you are sure that one day it will happen. and it happens. Then we will say it is a fiction but if an adage is to be believed. Truth is stranger than fiction. 

I like panchamitrham for its bold dialogues. 
"A woman won over; a woman free ‘to choose’, A woman embraced; a woman liberated, A woman revealed; a woman unpossessed, A woman flowered; a woman born, A woman cherished; a woman loved…

The ending of Monsoon love is really amazing.

Narration is smooth and language is easy. 
The cover is simple. 
I highly recommend this book. And if you love reading love stories s, you must read this one.


Sakthi (the chosen hexad book) is a mythological fiction. Sakthi is a chosen hexad and without any knowledge of Impending wars, she is fighting demons in the quaint village of Meghavazi that is unheard for his own people and the whole world. She is chosen to complete the famous trio as hexad and is send to land of kumari kadam.

Will she able to fulfil her destiny??

Read this book to know more about this and the suspense is left on the last page so there is more to it.

The story is interesting and will keep you hooked till the end.
Language is easy and narration..
The cover is attractive and the title is apt.
The strength of Sakthi is inspiring.
If you love reading mythological stories, this story is perfect for you. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

author 's interview

1-Your contribution to Indian literature is great. What should we do to engage young generation in the literature ?
Perhaps, the best way to write for the younger generation is to write the way they would wish to read. 
If you observe carefully, there has already been a shift in the trend. During my childhood/teenage days, we would be flooded with moralistic stories. There was no fun part attached to it. Things had to be done in a certain way. There was no scope for adventure at all.
However, when we write today, though we do carry a message in the story, but it’s well hidden. We take care of the curiosity in the mind when it’s a child who is reading. When we write for teenagers, again we realise what are the sources of joy available to these kids and then come up with a subtle message.
2-What according to you is the most important thing in our life.?
According to me, the most important thing in life is to develop self-confidence and choose a path which will lead you to a long-term happiness. You have to explore your mind to understand what the word “Happiness” means to you, for it could mean different things to different individuals.
3-Who is your favourite author?
I have had several favourites during my life time. Among international writers, I’ve loved Erich Segal the most, but I have also enjoyed authors such as Pearl Buck, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare etc. Among Indian authors, I’ve loved Rabindra Nath Tagore and Premchand. In poetry, I find Gulzar amazing.  

4-What will be your advice for the aspiring writers? 
The budding writers have to understand that they have to read a lot to be able to write well. Also, they have to have either a good experience, excellent knowledge on the subject of their choice or a wonderful imagination. They have to write convincingly; their language should be lucid and they have to feel what they write. Lack of any of the three becomes evident in their writings and the reader is sharp enough to find those faults. 
5-When did you decide that you want to become an author?
Actually, I didn’t decide at all to be an author. It came naturally. The flow of the stream of thoughts and emotions in my mind would compel me to write poetry. Later, I narrated stories imagined by me to my daughter. Finally, in 2008, I wrote my first two stories and sent them for publishing to reputed magazines and the acceptance of these stories marked a beginning of my journey as an author.
Several awards and good reviews by readers, made me continue. 
6-In this era of technology., how can we inculcate reading habits in children? 
Parents play a very important role in developing reading habits of their children. If nice colourful books are shown to them right from the beginning, and the stories are read out to them, I am sure that they will develop an interest. After all, books are the best company one could have.
Besides this, we can use technology itself to inculcate reading habits. For example, we could come up with a lovely animated teaser of a book, which should be so interesting that the children develop the desire to read it further. 

7-How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?
Hahaha. I really don’t have a count. I must be having 7-8 unpublished books and at least 3-4 half-finished books on my laptop. I actually didn’t publish anything for a year due to lack of time. But I am more determined to publish at least four books a year.

8-What is your favourite genre?
Oh! I can write in any genre (except non-fiction) and when I am writing in that genre, I get so dissolved in my work, that that genre becomes my favourite. As on date, short stories for youth is my favourite genre, since my book “Lines of Fate” is primarily for the youth. However, even the others can relate to the stories, as they are so common place. The twists and turns in every story are going to engross the reader.

9-What are you writing these days?
I am busy working with a poetry collection in Hindi, about to be published and released soon.

10-Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?
Each of my book stands on its own and is a masterpiece in itself. At present, I am not writing a series.

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