Tuesday, December 31, 2019



“  You can’t keep falling in love with the same person over and over again unless his smile and respect for you are real”.

“ Those who are lucky to be in love live a thousand years because, in each moment, they live a thousand moments “. 
The last love letter, the name itself is carrying so many emotions. When do we know that we are meeting someone for the last time? If our loved one is suffering from a disease like cancer,  we know that it can be the last time we are seeing them but it still hurts to lose them and the void cannot be filled by any other means.

The book starts with the last letter of Nisha, who lost her life to the cancer .she has written this letter for her husband Akash. The letter is very emotionally written and really symbolizing the love she has for him. After the death of his wife,  her letter and their daughter keep him going. He struggles to keep the balance between being a single parent and handling his professional commitments.

Subah, a painter and a social worker does not trust men due to her past relationship. For her, all the men want to manipulate women and in the end, treats them as objects to satiate their desires.  She runs an N.G.O to helps the women in need. She is a strong independent lady with a kind heart.

What happens when these two people who are broken in the past meet each other?
Do they fall for each other?
Do they accept each other?
The things I really loved in these books :
All the characters are very well developed, genuine, kind –hearted and lovely. well, in one word  I would say perfect. I loved  almost every character but I really loved the character of Nisha .her character is dead in the novel but still, her character is narrated through memories.

Narration is very smooth and the plot is gripping. I  grabbed the book just after opening my eyes and I could not stop reading it.

The cover is really pretty and eye-catching. The title is intriguing. 

Highly recommended !!  

TITLE  -  Princess Mandira – destiny ‘s child
AUTHOR -  Madhurima  Jain
“She will marry someone from outside the Rajput clan”, Raj guru says in a soft tone.
Qotd  - After hearing this kind of prophecy for a girl child, what would happen in a conservative family? what do you think?
As the Rajguru predicts, commotion spread in the Raj family and other queens saw it as an opportunity to end the last memory of king ‘ s favourite wife. Raj guru saves the princess by another prediction that she will bring glory to her father ‘s kingdom and adopt her as his own daughter. She spends the initial years of her life in the ashram, learning all the things a princess needs to know including sex education unaware of her destiny and her real identity.

Destiny plays its role and when she is eighteen years old, she marries a British high-rank officer who is close to the heir of the throne. The story revolves around Princess Mandira and her journey to England and her initial settlement in this cold country. Her journey from the girl who has abanded by her own father to the girl who accepts her destiny for the benefit of the country without knowing what is in store for her future is amazing.

On the other end, officer marries her to take the revenge of his brother ‘s death and plans to alienate her from the rest of the world. After ignoring her presence for so many days when he accidentally lays his eyes on her for the first time, lust takes control over him and he kind of rapes her but get smitten by her charm, innocence, intelligence and tries to find out the truth of his brother ‘ death.

Read this to know why did his brother killed himself and how their relationship progress in the entire story. As there is another part of this novel so it would be interesting to know how the story progresses with another twist of the heir of throne falling in with her.
When the seed of mistrust is sown, it destructs many relations .and when the relationship is new, it needs the patience to understand another person and not every person is capable of doing so which leads to heartbreaks and sometimes many other destructive results takes place which you are gonna regret in the future. There are so many lessons that you can take from this novel.
Characters are well developed and the narration is really smooth. The plot is interesting and the language is easy . so, if you love reading historical fictions, this book is for you.

Saturday, December 28, 2019



Enter the shadowy world of the Russian military, intelligence agencies and a hired assassin.

Six young Americans from affluent families decide to take a trip to Patomskiy Crater, a peculiar rock formation shrouded in mystery, located in a remote area of south-eastern Siberia. Alarms are raised when they don’t return to the base town of Bodaybo, and when the search teams set out, they find the bodies of four of them in mysterious circumstances.

Eyewitnesses Vin and Mia, scared and helpless, are on the run deep in the jungle trying to escape someone or something.

Vin is the son of James Catt, a powerful American steel and oil tycoon, who is not leaving any stones unturned to ensure the safety of his son.

In a viscous game of ‘cat and mouse’ played out in the treacherous Siberian jungle, Vin and Mia are being followed by clandestine individuals and a retired officer of the Russian military hired by Mr. Catt to save his son. Unaware of this fact, Vin and Mia’s survival depends on who reaches them first.


The book has 80 chapters, too long to read.

The title of the book is an actual place keeping a hidden secret so the title itself is an intriguing.

The most important thing in the life is hope and it becomes more important when your life is in dangerous. When we have nothing, we still have hope which keeps us going even in the toughest hours of our life and that is very well described in the book. 

The book is an interesting read and it could be more interesting if the same cycle did not repeat again and again. The book is from the viewpoint of different people and in different time lines which is really interesting. 

If you love reading thriller books, you should try this book. 

Friday, December 27, 2019



The book is a collection of six stories
1. A lot like love
2. Second chance
3. The bestseller.
4. The visit
5. The black idol
6. What was not said?

Love is so simple and yet people make it so complicated by their irrational decisions, immaturity and sometimes they need to sacrifice their love for someone ' s happiness. Love makes a person more alive, give a new purpose for life, motivation and change something inside you and makes you a better person. 

But what happens when you lose that special person because you were too naive to see that what is forging between both of you is special, something to be cherished for, something that is deep, something that you can't trade with the world 's entire money. When you realised it, and it is too late then what remains is the beautiful memories.

Love is the strongest emotion one can feel but yet it is one of the relations that are tied by the fragile thread and needs to be nurtured properly. It can be the moment before you are going to marry someone and a feeling hits to you that you are still in love with that special person and after 3 years you decide to visit that person again but not everyone is lucky like Allie and Noha to be united again. Even if people do not move on from the love they have for someone, they still move on in their life. Don't they.?? They are supposed to move on for their loved ones. And again the reality of life separates them. These short stories give this kind of sensation.

A lot like love reveals the human side of survival called hope; hope on which every lining being thrived, the hope which at times is also lost. 
Stories travelling the test of time, characters infusing blood of fire, this book brings to the readers, how deep and passionate life 's purpose can be, how in an insipid land of imaginations, can connect with the most fertile of hearts. I really loved the way in which the author has magically woven the words to describe the emotion and the narration is quite smooth and lovely. Narration will keep you engaged but you would feel the pinch in your heart for the 'A lot like love' kind of love. Language is easy. The title is attractive but i think the cover is really simple. I would recommend this book to every book lover. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2019


QOTD   -    Do you believe in mythology? Or you need facts to believe these myths?

Even as a kid, I used to have so many questions for these mythological honourable people ex. Why Krishna did not stay with Radha even though they loved each other? Why did Rama leave Sita? Why he could not stand for the right things? Well, I never got the answer.

Well, coming to the review of this book, this book is showing the journey of Lord Krishna and his adventures. The book starts with the Krishna sitting under the tree and evaluating all the decisions he took in his life and regretting many like involving with the Pandavas to the extent that he could not give proper attention to his own home, Gandhari ’ s curse that leads to the destruction of his progeny and his clan and accusation of warmonger. Then the author narrates the pre-birth situation, kansha’ s cruelty and all the following events that took place in his life. As a kid, I have seen so many movies in his life. Mostly was limited to the early part of his life. A few episodes of his life were contradicting all the things I have heard till now.  But who  knows what is the ultimate truth? . How is it possible that we talk about Krishna and does not talk about Mahabharata. So, there is a description of Mahabharata in the book and his role in the Mahabharat. Do you think he was a warmonger? Well, we all know that  he could stop the war even before it starts. 

Book is written in a very simple language.  He has done so many miracles in his life. Even though there is not a proper book written by any person who witnessed his life ‘s event but a  lot has been written in Mahabharata and many stories are prevalent about him, so  It becomes quite a difficult thing to cover his entire life in just 286 pages and the author has done in an effective manner and tried to connect it with today’s world like name of places. I loved the question raised by him.  I would recommend this book to every Mythology ‘ s lover.  Grab the book to know some interesting facts about Krishna ‘s life.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Title - My happily ever after 

Author - Sanjay Sharma

It is the story of Keshav, Aditi and their love for each other and their passion. Well, passion was something that brings them closer to each other when they were struck in doing something to study for their parent's wish. I think around 25 % of engineering students do not want to become engineers and have something else in their mind to follow later. 

Well, it is a prevalent Notion that engineer can rise and shine in any career they love. 
Aditi belongs to a business family and wants to become a famous singer. Keshav is a small-town boy who lands up in Delhi in a well-known college to pursue his engineering degree but wants to become an author. 

In the second year of his college, he is mesmerised by her beauty and her lovely voice. Well, soon they become friends and Aditi does not want to lose their friendship. In the last year of their college, Aditi leaves the college and this leads to the devastation of Keshav. 

Read the book to know
Why did Aditi leave college? 
How did Keshav cope up with the departure of Aditi? 
What happened to their dreams? 
Do they meet again? 

The book talks about following our passion and depicting the college that would take you back to your 's college life. Language is easy and narration is smooth. The cover is pretty and the title is intriguing. An engaging tale of love, passion and responsibilities. 


Saturday, December 21, 2019

♥️Title - Society pages
♥️Author - Bhumika Monani

💞This is the story of Jai, Aparajita and the role of their family members and her friend. Both Jai and Aparajita have past and scars that do not leave easily. 💞


💛Jai - 
He is a passionate photographer who was living his dream life but tragedy happened and fatherhood falls in his lap. Now he is a father of 8 old Piya who is loved by everyone in society. His whole life revolves around the happiness of that little angel. He is helped by his housemaid who they treat as the family member and she loved this little family. Her sister Gita is anxious for his future 's life. 💛

💜Aparajita. - 
A bold, introvert journalist who recently settled in Jaipur with her mommy and an American friend. She is a little bit edgy these days and has a short of trust issues. Mrs Basu always supports her and for the sake of her happiness, she relocates with her. Her mother loves being here as she can easily socialise here that was not possible in the city which never sleeps, Mumbai.💜

💕What happens when these two personalities cross their path with each other.??obviously they start liking each other. But it is not that simple, both are from a different culture and has broken heart. Moreover, their union demands Aparajati to become the mother of an 8-year-old girl. She is a very ambitious girl and Jai certainly would not want to be a hurdle in her success. 
So, what do they choose.?? Their love win or the situation win?? How society reacts?? 💕

💙To know the answers, grab and read the book. 
Well, the plot is intriguing. It is not a fairytale kind of romance but a real love story. Their dilemma is real and I loved how they handle the situation but I think there can be another solution also. Characters are well developed. Language is easy and narration is smooth. It is a breezy read of only 145 pages and can be finished in a single sitting. 💙

Recommended!! 🌸

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Title - The girl from the moon.
Author - Sabyasachi Dhalia
Book Length - 160

It was years back when Aryan found himself drawn towards the girl with a golden heart and a contagious smile. Chat couldn’t help but fall for this handsome and passionate guy either. They didn't even realise how, but they ended up meaning the world to each other, promising to be each other forever. But the present seems like a nightmare. Today, Aryan has seen chat after five long years. Today, he stands alone, looking for answers of thousands of questions on why chat had suddenly disappeared, with not even a slightest clue behind. With confused minds, teary eyes and tired hearts, will chat and Aryan stay loyal to their promises? Will chat come back to Ryan's – please be mine forever?.

My review

Some people fall in  love with a person of different caste and their paths become parallel as they cannot face the society who throws a challenge at every step. And some even give up before even fighting a battle. But in this novel protagonist comes with a solution to win their love. This is a beautiful love story with lots of emotion that can be finished in a single sitting. Language is easy and narration is smooth. The cover page and the title are beautiful but it signifies that the story may be surrounded around the girl 's character but it is not so. People who are in critical situations in love should read it. It will give them hope that they might be loosing.

Title - it required just one step
Author - Saif israr
Book Length - 250

It is the story of love, friendship, politics. 
Samar, a law student of hashing University, Allahabad falls in love with a girl name, Nupur. His love for her is complicated. He becomes acquainted with Anubhav and Arun who are involved in politics. The story revolves around their college life, politics and a love story. 

Students involving in politics is must for any democratic country. Their involvement in politics and their enlightenment towards the issues related to the countries is important for the development of the country. They should be aware of all their rights and must know how to execute them in an efficient manner and correct way. 

The novel will reminiscence of your college life. The author has written the book in an effective manner imbibing issues related to politics and a love story. Kudos to the author for writing this book. Language is easy and narration is smooth. The cover is pretty and the plot is good. The title is catchy and the characters are well developed. Grab and read the book to know the struggle of students and what happens to the love story of Samar.?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Title - happiness in your skin
Author - Amarvani

"Happiness is a journey, not a destination -Austin Carlile." 

Happiness in your skin is a self-help book and its main focus is how to be happy. Well, this book talks about all the things that are a necessity for the person to be happy at the core of his heart and eliminate others. Happiness is a choice that we must make daily. 

"Forget what is practical. Over and over in the past, the human spirit and dogged determination have won over what was considered impractical"

Well, what makes us happy can be impractical to the world but we should pursue it with all the passion and determination and one day we would definitely succeed. 

"Fall in love. It’s a fall that we all need. It’s the only reason someone should fall because when one falls in love, there is no greater high that human life can achieve." 
Fall in love because it makes us happy and takes out the mundane from our life. It makes us care for the other person and give us reason to become extremely happy. When love is the key ingredient, the dish has to be happiness.

" The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven". -John Milton

The best thing about this book is that it focuses on a person 's happiness. One who is going through a tough time should definitely read this and read it to become happier. Language is easy and narration is smooth. The title is catchy and suitable to the plot of the book. 

Highly recommended! 

Monday, December 16, 2019

Title - Marigold the golden memories
Author - Manali Debroy

"I wanted to cry like I was in real pain and smile like it was the most beautiful moment of my life.."

This book consists of 18 short lovely stories that will surely leave an impression on your heart and some stories are gonna warm your soul. These are the stories of love, waiting, longing, desires and one or two also have the capacity to scare you.

"At the end of the day, it is always about the love that you feel from within."

Love has no language and every person is capable of loving. Some stories would make you believe in love and will bind your faith to the core of your heart. A few stories are portraying love in a beautiful manner. In ' the happily ever after' he has the faith of meeting his wife in the afterlife and their love is so true and so sweet.while there are other stories describing the effect of modern technologies in the loveliest relationship.

Some stories are sad and depicting the plethora of emotions one undergoes in the weakest moment. The tragedy of choosing wrong love and the umpteen difference between the justice for riches.

Many stories are celebrating women 's strength.
The narration is really smooth and the language is easy. The cover is simple yet pretty. The title suits the plot. If you love reading short stories then this book is for you. 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Title - The web of karma
Author - Anurag  Shrivastava

Qotd - Do you believe in karma?? 

The web of karma is portraying the story of jungle raj in Bihar. In the 90s story setting, the story is remarking on the many social evils that still prevails in our society.
Shakuntladevi is so jealous of her daughter in law that she ruins her married life with her own son. Her daughter who always helped her did not get her back when she chose to marry her love and she married another man who is nice and is willing to do anything to win his wife 's heart. The family is vowed to be destroyed by daughter' s lover. Everyone here has done something wrong but karma is mirror who is gonna haunt them. The book is written in a very effective manner and is portraying the intricacies of people 's lives and their relationships in the finest manner. the title of the book and cover page is apt to the book. Language is simple and narration is easy. It is worthy of turning into Web series. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Title - winds in my wings
Poet - khushbu Kirti
Book Length - 98 pages

Wind in my Wings is the sequel to the poetry book "My First Flight" which was published in July 2018. Wind In My Wings also is a roller-coaster ride of emotions and encompasses 44 absolutely new poems exploring life further in its reality. The poetess celebrates life through them. The poems are of multifarious flavours while at the same time, there is a poem for everyone. These are more mature in character and show a more vivid view through life's journey. The collection of poems, just like its first part, fall under a variety of different themes. They are motivational, figurative, tragic, narrative, personal, descriptive in nature or based on themes like nature, love, or social issues. The poems in the majority are motivational in nature and have the puissance to inspire an individual, to connect to their lives, provide a medium for catharsis and make them feel that they are not alone.

My review.

My favourite poem of this book is 'winds in my wings'. I read the first poem and it already touched my heart. Every poem is meaningful that has the ability to touch your heart. Language is smooth and poems are easier to understand.
The title is apt to this wonderful collection of 44 lovely poems. I am in love with the cover. It is so pretty.
Highly recommended.! 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Title - Please be mine forever 

Author - Nikita Gupta

Book Length - 200

Book details 
It was years back when Aryan found himself drawn towards the girl with a golden heart and a contagious smile. Chat couldn’t help but fall for this handsome and passionate guy either. They didn't even realise how, but they ended up meaning the world to each other, promising to be each other forever. But the present seems like a nightmare. Today, Aryan has seen chat after five long years. Today, he stands alone, looking for answers of thousands of questions on why chat had suddenly disappeared, with not even a slightest clue behind. With confused minds, teary eyes and tired hearts, will chat and Aryan stay loyal to their promises? Will chat come back to Ryan's – please be mine forever?.

My review -

Love is the purest emotion that one can feel and this book will make you Beleive in love again and if your emotions are pure, they can withstand every other negative emotion. Even after the years of the disappearance of chat, he is waiting for her, destiny plays its role and their path crosses once again. So, grab this book to read if their love would win in the end or not??
It is not just a love story but is a blend of mystery, suspense and love. Some of the quotes are really beautiful and the storyline is so gripping that would hook you till the last page. Language is easy and the cover page is beautiful.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Title - fluid
Author - Ashish Jaiswal
Book Length - 256 pages

Whether we are in a classroom or in the outside world, we are always forced to choose who we are. Always expected to walk towards a fixed goal. Never be uncertain, never fail or never alter our course. We are either artists or scientists or businessmen. We are being constantly reminded to embrace these identities with greater force. As they say, the more we remain folded in our fields, the better the specialists we are.
Fluid shatters this myth by arguing that great minds who have changed the fate of humankind are actually the ones who failed, faltered or remained uncertain, yet never bothered to stay pasted to a rigid line. They were more. They were fluid.
In captivating storytelling narrative, Ashish Jaiswal takes us through groundbreaking research unravelling what binds the likes of Leonardo da Vinci, CV Raman, Steve Jobs, Charles Darwin and other geniuses and why being fluid-like them could be our biggest winning strategy in the age of artificial intelligence.
Read to learn the approach required for world-class innovations, groundbreaking solutions and game-changing ideas.

Language of the book is easy and narration is smooth. It would force you to think outside the box. Everyone should read this book to know how we are limiting our creativity according to the society parameters. What is the way to live in the fluidity that would make you more successful than you are today? How certain notions are just a myth that we follow unknowingly. The cover of the book is simple yet attractive and the title is apt according to the plot.
Well highly recommended.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

❤️"The love you have for someone today, you will get it back someday, it might not be from that same person, but you will get it back for some. Love in any form doesn't go waste."❤️
❣️"In the end, only three things matter in life, how much you loved, how gently you lived and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you." ❣️ 🌸Title - Temple classroom & other stories
🌸Author - Puja Roy
🍂The book starts with the story of a girl who started her education in the temple as in her village there was no place in the to study with the help of a priest. Later this girl started efforts to educate other children of the village.
There is a story of an orphan girl who is not able to find her footing as her mother-in-law quipped her.🍂 🍂The book consists of so many stories like these.Short stories revolving around the intricacies of life are written in a beautiful manner. Life is full of hope but the cruel reality is also there which we can't ignore no matter how much we try. There are things we need to face and this book consists of such stories. Rashi's birthday was a heart-wrenching story.  It broke my heart but it is the reality of today 's life. The author was successful in drawing attention towards the sensitive topic.through some short stories writer was highlighting how we live the life and how we forget to nourish the relationships. 🍂 🍂The cover of the book is simple yet beautiful. the title of the book is the title of the first story of the book, catchy and intriguing.language is simple and easy to understand.the book is a short story of 115 pages that can be finished in a single sitting. some stories will inspire you to do better in life and never give up on your dreams.while some stories would make you question our surroundings and would force you to think. 
This book is perfect to read about the realities of life

Friday, December 6, 2019

Title - Queens of crime.
Author - Sushant Singh & culprit Yadav

Qotd - Do you watch any crime show?

Queens of crimes demonstrates a haunting criminal power that most people do not associate with women.
The book consists of  10 real stories of women committing crimes. And in almost every case, these women became criminal due to their greed of earning more and living a high profile lifestyle. While some of them started their career in the world of crime to feed their children and family but became the controller of that field. In lady don, she murdered a man to save herself and this leads her to cause another crime and soon she became the mummy of everyone in her area. In 'Queen of dark', an innocent girl who was living her life with her ill father and mother whose only dream is to get their children education but soon their dreams shattered when the only earner of the family died. Family is in debt and the young girl has to leave her education and started earning money which lends her in prostitution. From that innocent girl, she became the queen of the dark. Even after having strong proof against, police could never keep .her in jail for long. Well, i have a strong belief and faith in our constitution but after reading this case. I felt that due to the loopholes of some laws, criminals like her cannot be punished. But then I realised that we believe that it is better to release  100 criminals than punishing an innocent. But does it really happen?? I think people with money and power often get successful in getting bail.
In 'the tinder murder' she tried to defend herself by saying that man like them, who cheats their wife and have an eye for another woman should be punished. In 'honey trap', a woman in high position falls in love with a man and starts transferring the important information to ISI.So, whatever we believe committing a crime is not associated with any particular gender. Anyone who has no control over their desires, greed and wrong morality can be a criminal.
Well, the narration is really smooth and few chapters remind me of episodes of savdhaan India . The cover is according to the people and the title is catchy. Well recommended to those who seek for reading new genre and realistic novel.

Title - Abyss
Author - Sabarna Roy

Qotd - Do you like to read plays?

Well, i remember last reading play in the drama section of our coursebook. Plays are sometimes hard to understand but this drama is easier to read .this is a suspense thriller involving murder mystery where everyone is masked and can be suspected till the very end but in the end, when finally the criminal would be caught and the whole reason of committing crime would be revealed, it will shake you to the core like seriously this kind of people even exists? everyone has their hidden agenda of the murder of conquering wealth and something else. Here love is superficial and people are manipulative. The highpoints of the play are its central conflict between a mother and her daughter and its female sleuth - Renuka.
Well, the play is written in easy language and narration is really smooth. Some dialogues that are exchanged between mother, daughter and her lovers are really good. the entire plot is gripping but after reading the entire story, I felt disgusting for the character no matter how strong their characterisation is. The entire play will make you curious to read further to find out who is really the murderer. So, the author is really successful in engrossing people 's curiosity in reading the entire story. The cover is catchy and mysterious.
Well, i would recommend this play to read once.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


"Shhhh... Hold that breath! We exist"
Qotd - How many of you have listened to Ek Kahani Aisi Bhi??
Well, i have listened to many stories of that show and sometimes they are really scary while few times they become funny.

Hold that breath consists of six stories i. e

Well sometimes horror becomes funny and that is very well stated in 'the final act' part of this book. Whenever we friend watches a horror movie collectively, we often laugh too. As sometimes to make the movie scary, they make people choose a stupid decision or it might be the fact that even the scariest movie can turn into a funny movie if you are watching with your friend.
Then coming back to the book, the horror in this book will not let you laugh for the unreasonable decisions of people. I really like the 'SHE'. This part is so thoughtful and 'THE FINAL ACT' for me was literally scary especially the end of the chapter. Have you ever heard 'the elevator game'? Well, i have not until I read this book and the game is really interesting but leads to a tragic end in the end. The 'ominous ' is really intriguing and till the end, I could not conclude who are ghosts. The 'Seeing ghost' is a phycological horror story. 
The book is a really short read and can be finished in a sitting. Well, try to read in the night time. It is surely gonna scare you if you want to feel a little horror. Writing is easy and narration is smooth. If you are looking for some horror reads, grab and read this book. 

Monday, December 2, 2019

Title Love on the Everest: love conquer everything 
Author: Deepthi Ayyagari

Qotd do you believe in destiny?

She looked into my eyes. She said, "I know how you feel about me. Because the language of love is not that of words. It's that of feelings. It's what the heart tells you even though the lips don't utter a word"

Well, i have read so many love stories and this love story is unique, refreshing and realistic .it made my faith in the destiny a little more stronger.the story revolves around the boy 'sid' who is a single child of his parents and has a great enthusiasm for the mountaineering and while climbing the Mount falls in love with his guide who has her own story of struggles and her own reasons to not accept his love.
Will he be able to climb Mount everest and win over the love of his life.
The starting of the book narrating the childhood of sid and his grandfather supporting his adventures spirit is little slow but after that the book is really fast paced. Character of sherpani and sid is really strong. Their journey of love and life both are really inspiring and lovely. The book is short read of only 63 pages and kudos to author to narrate such a refreshing tale in few pages. The language is easy and narration is smooth. Cover is pretty and title is according to the plot.
Recommended - highly. 

Title - Who killed the kaneez.
Author - Vijay kakwani

Qotd - What do you think that why women are so unsafe in our society. Don't you think something is really wrong with our society and how people raise their children.? Restricting girls and giving too much freedom to the boys. Making them feel that they are better than women. What is wrong with the psychology of these bloody rapists.? 
Why our society makes rape survivor feels guilty?? Is not this the reason that this fucking man has the audacity to do such hideous crimes.? 

'Who killed the kaneez ' is the story of the prostitute named Farzana who has only two costumers Thakur Sahab and Ramakant but still envied by the other sex workers dwelling in the haweli of the begum Sahiba. Begum Sahiba is a money-minded lady.  Farzana loves Ramakant who is really poor. She is living a good life and is waiting to get married to her lover despite all the miseries that life has shown to her and the stigma of being in prostitutes. But life took a tragic turn for her when Ramakant stops visiting her.
What happens to her? Grab the book to read more about it. The book is only 22 pages story which can be finished in half an hour. Why the man who visits them is still honourable and women so impure? 
The cruelties of prostitutes' life are portrayed in the novel in a few words. It just made me think again that in what kind of society we are living where girls are treating as sexual objects and are unsafe even in their own house. Writing is simple and the plot is commendable. Kudos to the author for highlighting the condition of prostitutes in our society.

predict using nakshatras padas

QOTD: Do you believe in astrology?  In our country where many people do not start their day without reading their zodiac sign, a...